Tuesday 1 July 2008

Pamela Anderson - Andersonpeta Win Kfc Battle In Canada

PAMELA ANDERSON has helped animal activists at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals win a major battle in their war against chicken cruelty.

Bosses at fast food chain KFC in Canada have agreed to improve living and dying conditions for chickens they farm and to add a vegetarian faux chicken to their menu after receiving letters of concern from the actress/model.

Anderson, a longtime PETA fan, has been writing letters to KFC executives for years, urging them to review their farming policies.

The former Baywatch babe, who was born and brought up in Canada, is now targeting KFC bosses in Britain.

She has just penned a letter to Martin Shuker, the Managing Director of KFC GB Ltd., asking him follow the lead set by Canada's fast food kings.

Anderson writes, "Chickens are bred to grow so quickly they can barely walk and they stew in their own waste for their entire lives. This is Colonel Sanders' real 'secret recipe.'

"At slaughter, these poor animals are still conscious when they are snapped into metal shackles, often with broken legs. They are shocked in an electrified water bath and many are still fully conscious when their necks are sliced open. Some are even burned to death in the scalding tank for feather removal.

"Until I hear from PETA that you will be agreeing to make changes similar to those agreed to by KFC Canada - and recommended by KFC's own animal welfare advisors - I will be boycotting KFC."

See Also