Tuesday 1 July 2008

Guy Ritchie - Ritchies Mother Slams Madonna Divorce Speculation

GUY RITCHIE's mother has hit out at reports her son wants to divorce his singer wife MADONNA - branding the rumours "works of fiction" dreamed up by the media.

The superstar couple has been plagued by speculation of a split for months, and reports heated up last week (begs23Jun08) when it was claimed the pair had begun to seek legal advice from top lawyers.

But Ritchie's mother, Lady Amber Leighton, has been in contact with her filmmaker son and insists the couple have no intention to part ways.

The 62-year-old says, "It is absolute rubbish, worse than that. Guy will be furious at me talking to you, but I feel I can't just let these reports go unanswered as they make me so angry and they are hurtful intrusions into their private lives.

"They are no different to most other couples and we all know that being together can be hard sometimes and marriages are not always a bed of roses.

"But like other couples they work at keeping their relationship happy and fresh and they are a close and loving couple who have a family to bring up."

She adds, "Madonna is in New York at the moment finishing off a tour and he will join her there after the weekend. That is not a couple splitting up. I'll say it one more time, they are not getting divorced; the speculation is TT - that's total tosh (untrue)."

See Also

Rocked the Nation - the final 10

The final countdown of the top 100 moments in Kiwi music from C4's Rocked the Nation10. NZ-born British-raised Daniel Bedingfield scored three number ones in Britain, starting with Gotta Get Thru This in 2001. And he was never heard of again, though sister Natasha is still doing nicely. 9. Crowded House's Don't Dream It's Over made it to number two in the US charts in 1986 finally waking us up to the charms of Neil Finn's post-Split Enz band.8. Comin' straight outta Otara was Pauly Fuemana who hooked up with producer Alan Jansson for worldwide hit How Bizarre. We haven't had a bigger song.7. Since the 80s, the proportion of local music played on radio has gone from two to 20 per cent, thanks in large part to the work of Brendan Smythe from NZ On Air.6: Scribe's catchphrase "How many dudes you know roll like this... not many, if any", along with the song Stand Up was a catalyst for a local hip-hop explosion. 5. On December 7, 1984, the Thank God It's Over concert in Aotea Square, turned from end-of-school-year festivities to the Queen St Riots which Dave Dobbyn was charged - and cleared - of inciting.

4. In 1981 Roger Shepherd started up record label Flying Nun because no one was releasing the music of the new Dunedin and Christchurch bands he liked. It would go on to be one of the country's most iconic record labels. 3. It's odd to think TrueBliss were ahead of their time but the made-for-TV   format of Popstars sold around the world. 2. Poi E sung by the Patea Maori Club and written by Dalvanius Prime was a chart-topper and a groundbreaker with its mix of te reo, kapa haka, hip-hop, breakdancing and pop. No Maori-sung song has been to the top spot since.1. Surprise, surprise. It had to be Split Enz   considering the band's impact and their enduring legacy. During the 70s their oddball style made them one of the most intriguing and innovative bands around. They got their commercial breakthrough on fifth album, 1980's True Colours, and called it a day four years later.

Venetian Snares

Venetian Snares   
Artist: Venetian Snares



Winnipeg Is A Frozen Shithole   
 Winnipeg Is A Frozen Shithole

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 9

Rossz Csillag Alatt Szuletett   
 Rossz Csillag Alatt Szuletett

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 11

Infolepsy EP Vinyl   
 Infolepsy EP Vinyl

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 5

Winter In The Belly Of A Snake   
 Winter In The Belly Of A Snake

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 16

Salt (Zhark2006 Ep)   
 Salt (Zhark2006 Ep)

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 4

Greg Hates Car Culture (Hot003 Ep)   
 Greg Hates Car Culture (Hot003 Ep)

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 7

Aaron Funk, a producer of hardcore drum'n'bass stochasticity, gained a profile in data-based techno circles with his sign language to the Planet µ label run by Mike Paradinas (aka µ-Ziq). It's a tribute to his production artistry that his base of Winnipeg, Manitoba, hasn't prevented IDM enthusiasts around the world from investigation his recordings. Funk's number one spillage was Shiver in Eternal Darkness, an EP for the Isolate label, followed by Doll Doll Doll for Hymen and Greg Hates Car Culture for History of the Future. When Paradinas heard the latter, he immediately hired Funk for Planet µ. The number one Venetian Snares LP, Making Orange Things (a co-production with Speedranch), dropped in early 2001; next in unforesightful orderliness were foursome more LPs or mini-LPs, all released in front the end of 2002. Funk continued recording for a variety of labels, including Hymen, and has besides recorded as Snares Man! and the less elusive Senetian Vnares. The following geezerhood continued to be fecund for Venetian Snares, among whose releases were 2004's Brobdingnagian Chrome Cylinder Box Unfolding, 2005's Hungarian-inspired Rossz Csillag Allat Szuletett, and 2006's Cavalcade of Glee and Dadaist Happy Hardcore Pom Poms and Hospitality, all of which came on Planet µ.

Mr. Blonde Gets Red With Anger

Pam Slams Jess!

Jessica Simpson may have been taking aim at her veggie arch rival Carrie Underwood when she went out in a t-shirt reading, "Real Girls Eat Meat".

But she seems to have got up the hackles of a slightly more fearsome adversary in the process.

And while Carrie didn't deign to respond, Pamela Anderson has been a little more forthright, calling Jessica a "bitch and a whore" for pulling the stunt.

Two weeks ago Jess took the swipe at her boyfriend Tony Romo's ex, Carrie, with the carnivorous catchphrase plastered across her chest.

And yesterday animal rights campaigner Pammi had a few words to say on the matter during a radio interview in Australia, where she is starring in Big Brother.

"I think she is a bitch and whore," opined the PETA activist and winner of the Linda McCartney Memorial award for protectors of animals.

�Actually, I don't know if she was talking about food or men."

The glamor superstar added that vegetarianism is, "healthy, good for your body and good for the environment".

See Also

Rod Piazza and the Mighty Flyers

Rod Piazza and the Mighty Flyers   
Artist: Rod Piazza and the Mighty Flyers

   R&B: Soul


Keepin' It Real   
 Keepin' It Real

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 13

Live at B.B. King's Blues Club   
 Live at B.B. King's Blues Club

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 12

Alphabet Blues   
 Alphabet Blues

   Year: 1992   
Tracks: 12


Kiss and Tell: Rock Legend Gene Simmons

Pamela Anderson - Andersonpeta Win Kfc Battle In Canada

PAMELA ANDERSON has helped animal activists at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals win a major battle in their war against chicken cruelty.

Bosses at fast food chain KFC in Canada have agreed to improve living and dying conditions for chickens they farm and to add a vegetarian faux chicken to their menu after receiving letters of concern from the actress/model.

Anderson, a longtime PETA fan, has been writing letters to KFC executives for years, urging them to review their farming policies.

The former Baywatch babe, who was born and brought up in Canada, is now targeting KFC bosses in Britain.

She has just penned a letter to Martin Shuker, the Managing Director of KFC GB Ltd., asking him follow the lead set by Canada's fast food kings.

Anderson writes, "Chickens are bred to grow so quickly they can barely walk and they stew in their own waste for their entire lives. This is Colonel Sanders' real 'secret recipe.'

"At slaughter, these poor animals are still conscious when they are snapped into metal shackles, often with broken legs. They are shocked in an electrified water bath and many are still fully conscious when their necks are sliced open. Some are even burned to death in the scalding tank for feather removal.

"Until I hear from PETA that you will be agreeing to make changes similar to those agreed to by KFC Canada - and recommended by KFC's own animal welfare advisors - I will be boycotting KFC."

See Also


Artist: Emotiva



GXG - Giorno Per Giorno   
 GXG - Giorno Per Giorno

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 14


Edward Cake

Edward Cake   
Artist: Edward Cake



Downtown Puff   
 Downtown Puff

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 10


Tommy Lee turned vege to win Pammie back

Tommy Lee turned vegetarian to win back his ex-wife Pamela Anderson.

Tommy, 45, and Pammie, 40, recently rekindled their romance, and the Motley Crue rocker is convinced turning his back on meat was the deciding factor for the animal rights campaigner to take him back.

Tommy said: "I recently went vegetarian and this is week four. At this point I was down to trying anything I hadn’t done yet."

The couple have always remained close for the sake of their two sons - Brandon, 12, and Dylan, 10 - but Pammie was impressed with the seriousness of her ex-husband’s gesture and rekindled their romance.

She has been married twice, to Kid Rock and Rick Salomon, in the decade since divorcing Tommy - but both marriages lasted only a couple of months.

Meanwhile, Pammie is also preparing for her new 'docu-series', currently scheduled to be filmed his summer, tentatively titled Pam - Girl on the Edge.

Pammie claims the programme is an "art project" and "self-portrait" rather than a reality show.

She is also reportedly involved with the directing and editing of the series.

See Also

Rajeev Taranath and Houman Pourmehdi

Rajeev Taranath and Houman Pourmehdi   
Artist: Rajeev Taranath and Houman Pourmehdi



The Call of Love   
 The Call of Love

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 5


Gene Autry

Gene Autry   
Artist: Gene Autry



Rudolph Red Nosed Reindeer and Other Christmas Classics   
 Rudolph Red Nosed Reindeer and Other Christmas Classics

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 18

Gene Autry Collection   
 Gene Autry Collection

Tracks: 60

Gene Autry was more than than a musician. His music, joined with his careers in movies and on radio set and television set, made him a voice of the mythos that has made up the American individuality for the past tense one C days -- John Wayne with a little bit of Sam Houston and Davy Crockett all rolled into one, with a expectant vocalizing vocalization and an ear for music added on. He defined state music for deuce generations of listeners, rodeo rider songs for lots of the twentieth c, and American music for much of the creation. He was country music's low unfeigned "multimedia" star, the best-known country & westerly singer on records, in movies, on receiving set, and on television system from the early '30s until the mid-'50s. His ccc songs cut between 1929 and 1964 include ball club au record awards and one platinum record; his 93 movies saved one big chunk of the picture show industry, delighted millions, and made millionaires of various producers (as intimately as Autry himself); his wireless and tv set shows were even more popular and successful; and a number of his songs outside of the body politic & western field accept become American pop culture touchstones.

The biggest marketing land & western isaac M. Singer of the middle of the twentieth century was born Orvon Gene Autry on September 29, 1907, in the petite Texas town of Tioga, the son of Delbert and Elnora Ozmont Autry. He was low gear taught to sing at long time five-spot by his grandad, William T. Autry, a Baptist sermonizer and descendant of some of the earlier settlers in Texas, coevals of the Houstons and the Crocketts (an Autry had died at the Alamo). The boy's interest in music was encouraged by his mother, wHO taught him hymns and family songs and read book of Psalms to him at night. Autry got his low gear guitar at long time 12, bought from the Sears, Roebuck & Co. catalog for octad dollars (saved from his lick as a hired hand on his uncle's farm baling and stacking hay). By the prison term he was 15, he had played anyplace there was to perform in Tioga, including school plays and the local coffee bar, but made most of his living working for the railroad as an prentice at $35 a month. Later on, as a proper telegraph hustler, he was making $150 a month, which those years was a comfortable income in that part of Texas.

He was working the four-to-midnight budge at the local telegraph bureau in Chelsea, OK, one summer night in 1927 when, to break up the monotony, he began strumming a guitar and singing quiet to himself. A customer came into the office; preferably than insistence upon immediate service, he motioned for Autry to continue telling, then sabbatum depressed to watch and hear patch he looked over the pages he was preparing to send. At one point, the visitant asked him to sing some other. Finally, after dropping his written matter on the rejoinder, the client told Autry that with some hard put to work, he mightiness have a succeeding on the tuner, and should view exit to New York to pursue a telling career. The man, whom Autry had recognized instantly, was Will Rogers, the humorist, writer, and flick doer, and unitary of the most popular figures in the amusement public of that geological era.

Autry didn't like a shot give up his job, but precisely over a yr afterwards he was in New York auditioning for a instance of RCA Victor. The judgment was that he had a good voice, but should remain away from pop hits, regain his have genial of songs and his own sound, and scram some know. He was back six-spot months later, on October 9, 1929, cut his first base record, "My Dreaming of You"/"My Alabama Home," for Victor. Two weeks later, Autry was making a demonstration record for the Columbia label of Jimmie Rodgers' "Drear Yodel No. 5." Present that same sidereal day in the studio were deuce up-and-coming singers, Rudy Vallée and Kate Smith. Autry ground himself organism pressured to sign an undivided foreshorten with Victor, but chose rather to sign with the American Record Corporation. Their universal handler, Arthur Sattherly (world Health Organization would afterwards record Leadbelly, among many other acts), persuaded Autry that spell Victor was a big party and could offer more money and a better marketing setup, he would be bewildered at Victor amid its existing stable of stars, whereas ARC would treat him as their most important star. Additionally, Sattherly -- through a series of arrangements involving major retail and chain stores across the country -- now had the means to get Autry's records into peoples' custody as easily as Victor.

His number one recordings had exactly been released when his mother, who'd been ill for months, died at the age of 45, evidently of cancer. Autry's father began drifting away before long afterward, and he became the head of the class and the main help of himself, two sisters, and a younger sidekick. In early December of 1929, Autry cut his number one six sides for ARC. The euphony was a integrate of bushwhacker, blues, nation, yodel songs, and puncher ballads. His breakthrough record, "That Silver-Haired Daddy of Mine," co-written by Autry and his friend Jimmy Long one night at the railroad depot, was released in 1931. The vocal sold 30,000 copies within a month, and by the end of a year five hundred,000 had been sold, an occasion that American Records decided to cross with the public presentation of a gold-plated copy of the track record. Autry received a moment gold record when gross sales afterward stone-broke ane trillion. And that was where the whimsey of the Gold Record Award was born. The record as well lED him into a new life history on the radio as Oklahoma's Yodeling Cowboy on the National Barn Dance show sponsored by WLS out of Chicago. It was at that place that Autry became a major national star -- his record gross sales rosebush assisted by his exposure on radio.

During the early eld of his vocation, Autry took a number of authoritative collaborators and musicians on base. Among them were Fred Rose, the songster (by and by responsible for "Your Cheatin' Heart") with whom he collaborated on many of his hits, and fiddle player Carl Cotner (wHO as well played adolphe Sax, clarinet, and pianissimo), world Health Organization became his organiser. Autry had a knack for well-educated a good song when he heard it (though he most passed on the biggest hit of his career), and for lettered when a birdcall needful something extra in its placement, merely it was Cotner wHO was able to transform his sensibilities into musical notes and arrangements. Mary Ford, later of Les Paul celebrity, was in Autry's band at one time, and in 1936 Autry signed up a 17-year-old guitar player named Merle Travis, the next country star and ballad maker.

By the early '30s, Autry became one of the most dear singers in country & western music. By 1933, he was getting winnow letters by the hundreds every week, and his track record gross sales were simply going up. Autry's calling might've been made right on that point, but fate intervened once more that year, in the configuration of the moving picture business. The Western -- specially the B Western, the bottom-of-the-bill, low-budget natural process oater -- had been hit very hard by the coming of sound in the years 1927 to 1929. Audiences expected dialogue in their movies, and nearly Western stars up to that time were a lot punter at equitation, roping, and shooting than reading lines. Not only did producers and directors pauperization something to fill up the soundtracks of their movies, specially on the limited budgets of the B Westerns, only something to reserve for violent action, which was being increasingly criticized by citizen groups.

Cowherd lead Ken Maynard, wHO was a great trick rider and stuntman but no vocaliser, had tested vocalizing songs in a few of his movies, and the producers noticed that the songs had gone o'er well despite his outspoken limitations. Maynard was qualification some other Western, In Old Santa Fe (1934), for Mascot Pictures, and producer Nat Levine distinct to try an experimentation, putt in a musical number sung by a professional. By plain chance, the American Record Company and Mascot Pictures were locked together financially, though indirectly, and with the help from the chairperson of ARC, Levine was steered toward Autry.

A sound call in brought the offspring singer and some other ARC performer -- Smiley Burnette -- out to Hollywood, where, after a warm coming together and screen door test, the deuce were set into In Old Santa Fe. Autry had only unrivalled scene, singing a song dynasty and vocation a square dance, simply that scene proved to be one of the most democratic parts of the flick.

Levine following stuck Autry and Burnette into a Ken Maynard serial, Whodunit Mountain, in minor supporting roles. But Autry's side by side show was much more important, as the lead of the highly successful 12-chapter serial The Phantom Empire. Perhaps recognizing that Autry was no "worker," and that he had an audience of millions already, he, the writers, and the producer in agreement that he should plainly play "Gene Autry," a good-natured wireless vocaliser and erstwhile cowboy. The success of Autry's early films was non sufficiency to spare Mascot Pictures, which collapsed under the weight of debts held by Consolidated Film Laboratories, which did Mascot's film processing. In 1935, Consolidated forced a unification of Mascot and a handful of other modest studios and formed Republic Pictures, with Consolidated's president of the United States, Herbert J. Yates, at the helm. Republic thrived in the B picture market, at last commanding the integral area for the succeeding 20 geezerhood. And central to Republic's success were the Westerns of Gene Autry.

His number 1 leading Western for the newly unionised Republic Pictures, Acrobatics Tumbleweeds (released on September 5, 1935), which also included the singing group the Sons of the Pioneers, was a huge strike, and was followed by Tonal pattern Trail, The Sagebrush Troubador, and The Singing Vagabond, all released during the last three months of 1935. Autry settled into a schedule of one motion-picture show every six-spot weeks, or eight-spot per year, at $5,000 per film, and a expression was cursorily accomplished. The production values on these movies were mild, in guardianship with their low budgets and close shooting schedules, but within the theoretical account of B Westerns and the setting of their medicine, they were super productions. By 1937 and for basketball team years after -- a string that was only broken when he enlisted in the united States Army during World War II -- Autry was rated in an industry survey of theatre owners as one of the top ten-spot ticket booth attractions in the area, alongside the likes of James Cagney and Clark Gable. Autry was the only cowboy star to make the list, and the only worker from B movies on the list.

For Republic Pictures, his movies were such a john Cash moo-cow, and so democratic in the southern, mete, and westerly states, that the flyspeck studio was able-bodied to use them as a way to force "block engagement" on theater owners and irons -- that is, theaters only got access code to the Autry movies scheduled each season if they bought all of Republic's titles for that season. It was Autry's discovery of this insurance (which, in beauteousness, was adept by every major studio at the prison term, and lED to the antitrust suit by the politics that at long last forced the studios to give up their theater irons) in former 1938 that lED to his low damp with Republic. The problems had been brewing for some time, over Autry's unhappiness at never having gotten a raise from his original Mascot-era $5,000-per-movie deal, and contractual clauses -- which had ne'er been exercised, just worried him however -- giving Republic a portion of his radiocommunication, personal appearance, and indorsement profit. After trying unsuccessfully to function out the problems with Yates, Autry walked out of the studio chief's power and thenceforth refused to account for the first day's shooting on a movie called Capital Cowboy, later retitled Below Western Stars when it became the debut of Roy Rogers.

Afterward 8 months of legal sparring, Autry was left enjoined from fashioning live appearances. Republic, still, set up itself with an rebellion of dramatics owners and chains on its hands -- without a guarantee that it would have whatever Autry movies to release, the studio's intact annual distribution plans were jeopardized. By the precipitate of 1938 the two sides had come to terms, with raises for Autry and freedom from the to the highest degree burdensome clauses in his old contract. Despite his best efforts, however, he couldn't facilitate the dramatics owners o'er the block-booking policy, for it was now entrenched in the industriousness and an inbuilt part of Republic's business plan.

Meanwhile, his transcription life history continued, a great deal in tandem with the movies. Whenever Republic could, the studio commissioned the rights to any hit call Autry had nigh of late recorded to usance it as the title of his newest picture -- when this was through, Republic always charged the theater owners somewhat more for the film, and they nonrecreational it, because the song had "pre-sold" the movie to the world. The songs kept climax, sometimes out of the movies themselves, and non always his have: Autry's friend Ray Whitley had written "Back in the Saddle Again" for a 1938 George O'Brien Western called Border G-Man, and when Autry was look for a topic vocal for his have radio show, he went plunk for to Whitley's strain, made a few changes, and recorded it himself. Along with "That Silver-Haired Daddy of Mine," it was the strain he would be to the highest degree closely associated with.

Autry's calling was fitful by his service in the military during World War II, simply when he returned to the recording and motion picture studios in 1945, he resumed both his tattle and film careers without skipping a beat. He was tranquil a call to be reckoned with at the box power, although he was never once more ranked among the top ten-spot remunerative stars of movies. The cultural dislocations caused by World War II and their effect on rural and village America and on the film business organization, as easily as the imminent reaching of television receiver, had shrunk the B film marketplace to a shadow of its 1930s glorification. His movies tranquil made money, however, and he kept making them correct into the beginning of the fifties, later on which he moved into tv set yield -- Autry had already begun purchasing up radio stations of the Cross ahead the war, and by the early '50s he was owner of several video stations, a studio, and his have production party, where he made his have tV syllabus as advantageously as others that he owned.

His singing career was larger than ever so, all the same. Even in front the war, Autry had now and again moved away from country music and scored big, as with his 1940 strike interlingual rendition of "Blueberry bush Hill," which predated Fats Domino's recording by 16 days. After the war, he still did rodeo rider and country songs such as "Silver Spurs" and "Sioux City Sue," sprinkled with periodic common people songs and pop book of Numbers. In 1949, however, Autry scored the biggest unmarried stumble of his vocation -- and maybe the second or third-biggest hit birdcall of all time recorded up to that time -- with "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," a birdsong by Johnny Marks that Autry had recorded only reluctantly, in a single take at the end of a school term. That same yr, he cut "(Ghost) Riders in the Sky," a issue by a former woods fire warden named Stan Jones, which became both a country and pop medicine standard, cut by everyone from Vaughan Monroe to Johnny Cash.

By the mid-'50s, Autry's career had slowed. Rock & seethe and R&B were attracting younger listeners, and a newfangled generation of country music stars, heralded by Johnny Cash and Marty Robbins, was beginning to attract sober gross sales. Autry, and so in his forties, noneffervescent had his audience, merely he step by step receded from the limelight to attend to his burgeoning business sector interests. He died October 2, 1998.

The 411